World Citizen News

We give you the news for the citizens of the world with no propaganda

Europe Is Just A Mess

Citizens of the world must not go down the same path as Europe. Tax Tax Tax  and wake up in in the morning and everything is free or so it may seem for a generation or so.  There is no such thing as a Free Lunch, someone has to pay for it. Europe in in such bad shape the tried to TAX the rest of the world to support thier socal programs. The world said NO. So wake up Europe, get in touch with the times and dont expect everything to be Free!!!! 

China to build tallest tower

  Sky City at 2,749ft and 220 floors of prefab to be built in just 90 days and what a feat. Lets give China a big congratulations. What we need is a good old world competion and maybe together we can get ourselves out of this mess and move to a better future.

Free Internet

Again the United Nations is trying to control global information. Just another attempt by tyranny to stamp out creativity which is one of our greatest asset. Or is this just another dog and pony show of good cop bad cop. Im sure the citizens with any sense at all can figure this one out.      


As the need for energy grows around the world ,we continue only to seek the energy that we have had since the harnessing of fire. Other means do exist which are very abundant ,clean and do no harm. This form if energy is not electricity as many would speculate, nor is it nuclear. It is essential that we move forward with this technology to insure our  Future.


World Jobs

Were are the Worlds jobs going to be tomorrow?
When I learned that in the U.K. 70% or more of the jobs are financially related I knew a disaster was in the near future. Collapse the world financial system and poof, jobs gone.


ID The Worlds Population

India has launched a project to ID 1.2 Billion People with 12-digit number.
We are all being ID, tracked by some form or another. The question is Who?????
Just remember everything in the known universe and beyond has a signature, Whats Yours!!! 

Free Speech For All 

We must insure we have free speech for all citizens to move humanity forward.
Thoes who want to limit free speech are thoes who would loose the most from free speech.
There is the responsibility factor of what is appropriate in certain situations.

Only On Earth


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